Speaking at a webinar on Sunday, the experts opined that Pakistan is on the verge of more unconventional security threats than physical attack through the geo-borders as the new cold war in the region is being fueled up. The emerging geopolitical and economic situation in Afghanistan could pose an influx of migration to Pakistan. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects could also face the brunt of aggressive US-India collaboration against the brisk economic rise of China. Civil war in Afghanistan and unstable government would also have a trickle-down effect on Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to fully prepare its institutions and citizens to combat the impacts of changing climate especially on borders in the areas facing extreme weathers. Cyber security for financial institutions and defense installations will be more pertinent to ensure strong defense against cyber-attacks.
The webinar was organized by the Development Communications Network (Devcom Pakistan) and DTN on the subject, “Emerging Human Security Challenges for Pakistan and the Way Forward” in connection with the National Defense Day.