Allama Iqbal Open University(AIOU) has rescheduled the examinations for various educational programs postponed due to the pandemic and has issued an examination policy.
As per the new policy, these examinations would be conducted online, a press release on Tuesday said.
According to the academic calendar, examinations of ADC, ADE, Associate Degree (Human Resource Management, Banking, and Finance), B.Ed (New), BBA, BS Accounting and Finance, BS (ODL), B.Sc, Postgraduate Diploma, M.Ed, MA, MSc, M.Com, and MBA programs were scheduled to be held from April 16 to May 31.
These examinations were postponed due to increasing cases of coronavirus and lockdown across the country. Given the academic year of students, AIOU administration has approved to hold online examinations. All the enrolled students would appear in exams online through AGAHI Learning Management System (LMS).
According to the date sheet, online examinations for BS, B.Ed, ADE, ADC would be held from June 6 to June 13, while examinations for postgraduate diploma, M.Ed, MA, MSc, M.Com, and MBA programs would be held from July 4th to July 11th.
Papers of the relevant course code for the semester terminal examination would be uploaded to the students’ pre-created LMS account at 8:30 am as per the schedule/date sheet which would remain on system till 8:30 pm. Students would be given 12 hours to solve the relevant course code form and type their answers in MS Word and submit it in their LMS account, or upload it in the form of MS Word file.
It is to be mentioned here that the students could submit the scanned file of the paper. It is pertinent to mention here that some programs/courses are taught in Urdu or Arabic, the list of such courses has been uploaded on the AIOU website in the link of STE.
Students of these courses should scan the handwritten paper and upload it in PDF file format to the LMS account. After 12 hours, the previous course code paper would be deleted from the LMS account.
Students who have RA / ARA in the course code must also solve the paper within the same time along with the fresh course. Each course code terminal paper would consist of three questions. All questions are compulsory to solve with the word limit of 600 to 800 words.