Medical problems are increasing day by day due to increasing population, air pollution and poor food in the country. Unfortunately, there are not enough facilities available in our country to meet the medical needs of all the population and provide them timely treatment. There is a rush of patients in government hospitals. On the other hand, the government has a severe shortage of staff consisting of doctors, nurses and other staff. The irony is that the government also lacks such medical colleges and nursing institutes, where trained personnel can be prepared to serve the people.In these circumstances, private medical institutes and nursing schools are proving to be very supportive and helpful to the government, but the cold and indifferent attitude of the government towards these private institutions is very painful and sad.
Recently, the caretaker government of Punjab issued a letter, which basically tried to convey the message that private institutes cannot use government hospitals for their business. This is not only very wrong but also reprehensible. As we know that the people of the country are increasingly suffering from various diseases and the government does not have enough facilities to meet the medical needs of all the patients. can According to an estimate, only one nurse is appointed to take care of 1000 patients in our country at present. Similarly, there is a shortage of at least 70,000 nurses in all hospitals and clinics of Pakistan.
As the government does not have such medical colleges, nursing institutes and other training institutes that can meet this shortage. Therefore, in this situation, private nursing institutes are playing the role of backbone to support the medical sector.Already private nursing institutes and colleges are not encouraged by the government. Apart from this, there is no special government support and incentives available to these types of private institutions. Nursing is a very sacred profession as well as a basic need of every country and society. Capitalists at the private level understand the need and importance of this profession and establish nursing schools and institutes for the purpose of serving the people. On the other hand, there are a large number of students in Pakistan, who want to be associated with the field of nursing, but the government does not have enough schools and colleges to provide nursing training, which can accommodate all the students.In this situation, the private institutes are supporting the students so that they can not only serve the country and the nation by completing nursing education, but can also benefit from a respectable job to run their lives.The letter issued by the caretaker government of Punjab regarding private nursing schools and colleges is based on complete bias. The question is that if the private nursing institutes in the country stop their work today, will it not affect the country and the government? In the absence of these institutions, will the government be able to provide facilities to patients in various hospitals or be able to meet their needs? Therefore, instead of blaming private nursing institutes and other institutions, the government should focus on improving public health facilities at the government level. Health problems in our country have increased to such an extent that it is not enough for the government alone to control them.
Therefore, private medical institutes are working with the same thought that they can serve their country and nation as well as reduce the burden of the government, but the recent action of the caretaker government of Punjab is very sad.